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2019 New Release
Cooperative War Game

During the late period of World War II,  the U.S. military had naval and air supremacy in the Pacific War. The Allies implemented the "island hopping" strategy. Instead of landing on Taiwan directly, they carried out comprehensive air strikes.

Takao, the southern city of Taiwan known as Kaohsiung, was designated as a fortress city. Lots of factories were built in the city. Also, in Okayama, a town of Takao, there were facilities for producing aircraft and military machinery. Therefore, Takao became one of the main military industrial bases in Asia. During World War II the total number of bombs used in Takao by the U.S. military was the highest in Taiwan.



2019 New Release
Party Game

  • New release from Famous Taiwanese Designer “Jesse Li”
    (Masterpiece:『Ponzi Scheme』『Gun&Steel』『The Flow of History』)

  • Second place in Taiwan“Golden Table Award” .The most expected games for publish

腹黑菓子店 Frenemy Pastry Party ハラグロパティスリー 卓遊予告

腹黑菓子店 Frenemy Pastry Party ハラグロパティスリー 卓遊予告

《腹黑菓子店》嘖嘖集資正式上線!!!點擊以下網址 👇👇👇 集資集起來~~~~ 迷走工作坊與知名遊戲《龐氏騙局》創作者 “傑西”的最新力作,六隻可愛的動物feat不同口味的甜點蛋糕,在日本Game Market 銷售一空的最萌桌遊,價格親民且遊戲輕鬆簡單好上手,非常適合家庭、輕度及入門玩家! Frenemy Pastry Party, Mizo's new game collaborated with famous designer "Jesse Li" a.k.a. the designer of "Ponzi Scheme". This game will go for crowdfunding in Taiwan's biggest fundraising website tonight. Are you a sweet tooth who fevers cakes and coincidentally fond of scheming game? You must having this sweet and malevolent game that makes you feel so addicted. BGG : Review and Playthrough by D&E miniature and board games Review : Playthrough : Playthrough by PlayingBoardGames ハラグロパティスリー 台湾の有名なデザイナーJesse Li 2019 新作リリスby 迷走工作坊(Mizo Games)!腹黑+可愛い動物達+美味しいケーキ=最高 ゲーム紹介 『ハラグロパティスリー』では、プレイヤーはかわいい動物となり、力を合わせてケーキを作ります。しかし、動物によって味の好みが異なります。表向きでは協力して一緒にケーキを作りますが、皆は腹の中で自分の好みのケーキを作りたいと企んでいます。自分の好みのケーキをより多く作れた腹黒い動物は誰でしょう?
滅火器 Fire EX.-一九四五 1945(高雄大空襲桌遊主題曲 Theme of Raid on Takao )Official Music Video

滅火器 Fire EX.-一九四五 1945(高雄大空襲桌遊主題曲 Theme of Raid on Takao )Official Music Video

『每個時代,都有傷心的事,和受苦的人。』 1945年,台灣在面臨戰爭,歷經波折,命運即將進入新時代,但是未來的未來,幸福能否降臨,當時沒人知曉。在實際玩完遊戲後,將自己投射進「音樂家」角色,面對大時代的劇烈動盪,仍舊渴求一絲希望的心情。 為這時代,寫一首歌。 謝謝所有桌遊、動畫的製作團隊,讓我們在有限的資源內,齊心合力,迸發出這首末日系戀歌。 《高雄大空襲》主題曲「一九四五」,感謝所有贊助者, 沒有你們,這首歌曲不會誕生: #一九四五 #高雄大空襲 #滅火器 追蹤滅火器 IG: 加入Team Fire: -- 歌詞: 月 暗淡的光線 Gue̍h àm-tām ê kng-suànn 照著僥倖的人 Tsiò tio̍h hiau-hīng ê lâng 遠遠望著一空一隙 Hn̄g-hn̄g bāng tio̍h tsi̍t-khang-tsi̍t-khiah 破敗的海岸 Phuà-pāi ê hái-huānn 風中浮沈的性命 Hong tiong phû-tîm ê sìnn-miā 凋零落塗的咒誓 Tiau-lîng lo̍h-thôo ê tsiù-tsuā 怨嘆希望攏變成空 Uàn-thàn hi-bāng lóng piàn-sîng khang 怨嘆命運戲弄 Uàn-thàn miā-ūn hì-lāng 咱是生在亂世的人 Lán sī senn tsāi luān-sè ê lâng 註定無半項 Tsù-tiānn bô puànn hāng 但是我的心中 Tān-sī guá ê sim tiong 有一个願望 Ū tsi̍t ê guān-bāng 想欲將所有的心意 Siūnn beh tsiong sóo-ū ê sim-ì 予你知影 Hōo lí tsai-iánn 混亂的時代 純情的夢 Hūn-luān ê sî-tāi sûn-tsîng ê bāng 我毋是勇敢的人 Guá m̄ sī ióng-kám ê lâng 只有恬恬佮你做伴 Tsí-ū tiām-tiām kap lí tsuè-phuānn 偷偷寫一條歌 Thau-thau siá tsi̍t tiâu kua 等希望的日頭照佇山嶺 Tán hi-bāng ê ji̍t-thâu tsiò tī suann-niá 等和平慢慢靠岸 Tán hô-pîng bān-bān khò-huānn 等飛行機 袂閣來 Tán pue-lîng-ki buē koh lâi 想欲牽你的手 Siūnn beh khan lí ê tshiú 聽海湧的聲 Thiann hái-íng ê siann 等飛行機 袂閣來 Tán pue-lîng-ki buē koh lâi 予我牽你的手 唱這條戀歌 Hōo guá khan lí ê tshiú tshiùnn tsit tiâu luân-kua -- 【數位音樂】 KKBOX ♪ iTunes ♪ Spotify ♪ My Music ♪ firDay Music ♪ -- 演出|滅火器 Fire EX. 詞曲|楊大正 Sam Yang 編曲|鄭宇辰 ORio Cheng、滅火器 Fire EX. 管弦編曲|李欣芸 CinCin Lee、林孝親 Lin, Hsiao-Chin、林思妤Lin, Szu-Yu 歌詞用字調整|李江却台語文教基金會 陳豐惠 ISRC:TWBF31811001 OP:火氣音樂股份有限公司 SP:相知國際股份有限公司 . MV版權 MV Publish| 迷走工作坊有限公司 Mizoriot creative company ltd. 製作公司 Design & Animation DEPT| 世界柔軟數位影像文化有限公司 World SoftestProduction Film Co.,LTD . 統籌 Coodination|張少濂 KJ Chang 監製 Executive Producer|張辰漁 Chang Chen-Yu 導演 Director|馬毓廷 Ma Yu-Ting 影像顧問 Image Consultant|楊森 Sam Shen Yang 專案經理 Project Manager|朱家慶 Chu Jia-Ching 歷史調研 Researcher|陳力航 Chen lee-hang 吳名崧 Wu Ming-Sung 合成師 Compositor|李依婷 Li Yi-Tin MV原畫 MV Lead Animator|張世楷Chang Shih-Kai 字體設計 Font Design|賴柏燁 Boyea Lai 插圖 Illustrator|諾米 Nuomi 角色設計 Charactor Design|蠢羊★NISIN寧欣 . 背景上色 Background Colorist|陳彥菱 Chen Yan-Ling、葉亞璇 Yeh Ya-Hsuan 人物/物件上色 Charactor/Item Colorist|黃信瑋 Huang Hsin-Wei、陳昶安 Chen Chang-An . 轉描師 Rotoscope Artist|黃信瑋 Huang Hsin-Wei、鄭信昌 Jheng Sin-Chang、劉美兒 Catherine Liu Mei-Yii、張祐銓 Zhang Yu-Quan . 轉描實拍團隊 Rotoscope Fliming Group 製片 Producer|劉益仲 Liou Yi-Jhong 攝影 Camera Operator|林益峰 Lin ED 小提琴手 Violinist|蘇澤鎮


Family Game

Due to a distortion in the space-time continuum, six characters from different time periods have been brought to Ki-pataw in the year of 1937. Players take on these characters on a mission to collect specific items/energies they need and go to the designated place in order to return to the time period from which they came. Alternatively, they can encounter other characters and choose to remain in Ki-pataw instead. The choice is for you, the players, to make.



Party Game

Pirate Rumble is a multiplayer party game with two modes- "Duel mode" and "Camp mode". Players play the roles of legendary pirates from all over the world passing through time and space to Arizona, United States in the late 19th century, competing for the mysterious treasure “Lost of Dutch”. All the players start a fierce battle to get one and only precious treasure.


LGBTQ Friendly

In Dare to Love, one player takes the role of a mighty Oligarch to fight against rebels played by two or three players. The rebels' goal is to rescue their loved ones who are imprisoned in crystal prisons, whereas the oligarch has powerful abilities to annihilate the rebels.

The oligarchs with a powerful deck of 6 cards and 32 life points can easily beat the rebels down one by one, whereas each rebel with a special deck of 8 cards and 8 life points have to work together to defeat the oligarchs.

If the Oligarch prevents the rebels from rescuing the prisoners in time or annihilates all rebels — they win. On the contrary, if the rebel players save all the prisoners in time and defeat the Oligarch, they win!


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Hall 5-5I09

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